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Kylemore, through its partnership with the Benedictine Community at Kylemore Abbey, exemplifies a commitment to spiritual, cultural, and educational endeavors aligned with shared values. This serene setting in Connemara offers unique opportunities for reflection, creativity, and learning, hosting a variety of programs that enrich the Notre Dame community.

Notre Dame Kylemore fosters outreach and connectivity, creating an environment where intellectual and spiritual growth are intertwined. The commitment to multidisciplinary programming challenges and inspires the Notre Dame family and the broader community, symbolizing the University’s dedication to extending its mission in ways that honor tradition, while embracing contemporary challenges.

Looking ahead, Kylemore is set to expand its role as a contemplative sanctuary for mind, body, and spirit, continuing to provide programming that nourishes and challenges participants. Our engagement highlights Notre Dame’s commitment to the Irish Catholic Church, education, and research that resonates with a global audience, fostering a deeper understanding of our shared humanity and the natural world.


Notre Dame Kylemore is where the Notre Dame family and the wider Irish community engage in meaningful and authentic ways. Together with our local partners, we strive to provide multi-disciplinary programming for leaders, thinkers, and creators with a focus on nourishing the mind, body, and spirit.


Notre Dame Kylemore is continuing the Benedictine legacy of providing education, hospitality, community, and reverence for the land in Connemara, Ireland.

If you’re interested in visiting the wild west of Ireland, please contact us.

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Notre Dame Kylemore is part of the University of Notre Dame’s global network. Notre Dame Global oversees locations centered in Beijing, Dublin, Hong Kong, Jerusalem, Kylemore, London, Mexico, Mumbai, Nairobi, Rome, Santiago, and São Paulo. These global locations create unique opportunities for Notre Dame to engage the world and the world to engage Notre Dame through scholarly collaboration, undergraduate and graduate study, as well as cooperative programs with governments, foundations, corporations, alumni, parents, and friends of the University.

  • 1867 Foundation stone laid for Kylemore Abbey
  • 1920 Benedictine nuns move to Kylemore Abbey
  • 1993 Keough Irish Studies program starts at Notre Dame under the leadership of Seamus Deane
  • 1996 Notre Dame plays Navy in Croke Park; 10,000 Fighting Irish fans attend
  • 1999 Inaugural Irish Seminar held in Dublin; ND establishes Ireland Council under chairs Don Keough and Martin Naughton
  • 2003 Hesburgh Library acquires the landmark Loeber Collection of Irish Fiction
  • 2012 Taoiseach Enda Kenny presents Father Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., with Irish citizenship in recognition of his service to Ireland
  • 2012 Notre Dame plays Navy in Dublin's Aviva Stadium; 35,000 ND fans attend
  • 2016 Notre Dame Kylemore opens
  • 2016 Notre Dame's Newman Centre for Faith and Reason opens at Newman Church in Dublin
  • 2023 Notre Dame celebrates 25 years in Ireland
  • 2023 Notre Dame plays Navy in Dublin's Aviva Stadium; over 30,000 Fighting Irish fans in attendance
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