NDK Yoga Retreat 1

Yoga & Professional Development Retreat

Eat, Learn, Grow : Finding Purpose, Finding Me

Join us for a 5-day retreat in the peaceful setting of Kylemore, Connemara.

Our programme seamlessly fuses the timeless techniques of yoga with the modern principles of Relational Intelligence, Trust, Communication, Resilience, and Career and Life Anchors.

The retreat is thoughtfully guided by husband-and-wife team, Dermot and Rosemarie Ryan. Yoga and Breathwork teacher, Dermot, after qualifying in India continued over ten years to deepen his practice in India, often accompanied by Rosemarie, a Career & Organisational Development specialist. They quickly recognised the potential harmony between the discipline of yoga and Rosemarie's area of expertise. Over the years, the integration evolved. As Dermot recalls, “Rosemarie would often return from her workshops excited to tell me how she had shared and applied a particular Yoga Principle or technique to give participants a more holistic experience of topics she was facilitating ”. Eventually, this mutual exchange of teachings led to their collaboration and creation of the "Eat, Learn, Grow" programme. Their combined work is an alliance of esoteric wisdom and everyday living, bridging the gap between ancient and modern solutions.

This programme is designed for anyone at a crossroads, seeking time and space for self-reflection, contemplating their purpose, relationships, and ways to elevate their life to the next level. Whether you're an eighteen-year-old on a college sabbatical, an executive, a professional planning a career comeback, or a retiree pondering the next chapter; or perhaps you feel you missed your calling, or you're a couple wanting to navigate a significant milestone together, the skills and practices imparted by this programme are universally beneficial. As Rosemarie explains, “People are going to leave with a few tools that are going to make them feel a lot more equipped to recognise their purpose. We welcome participants with an open mind, ready to learn, share, and transform.”

The retreat will take place in the unique setting of ND Kyelmore on the grounds of Kylemore Abbey. This beautiful 1,000-acre estate, rich in history and tranquillity, has been home to a Benedictine order of nuns for a century. Participants will reside in single ensuite rooms, with meals provided by the onsite dining services.

Please note that, in keeping with Sivananda philosophy of “Proper Diet”, all meals are vegetarian!

Ryan Yoga Meals
Kylemore Food

JOIN US  2024 Retreat Schedule

Retreat Dates & Costs

  • Arrival September 15th, 2024
  • Departure September 20th, 2024
  • 1650 USD (additional person in the same room supplement 650 USD)
  • Accommodation in single ensuite rooms
  • All yoga classes, sessions and meditations led by Dermot and Rosemarie Ryan
  • All meals are vegetarian and prepared by in-house chef


Notre Dame Kyelmore
Email: kylemore@nd.edu
Phone: +353 95 418 15

About the Instructors

Dermot & Rosemarie Ryan
Dermot & Rosemarie Ryan

Dermot Ryan qualified as a certified Yoga and Breathwork Teacher (Advanced) after a 30 year international business career across Travel and Tourism, Technology, Healthcare and Real Estate as a Business Owner and People Leader. He is the author of two books on Yoga and Breathwork which are sold worldwide

He is dedicated to empowering individuals and groups seeking personal growth. He offers tailored training programmes and immersive retreats to businesses and individuals alike, with the intention of helping them realise their full potential.

Dermot's teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the Sivananda Yoga style, enabling him to deliver a unique learning experience to his students and workshop participants. His holistic approach enables transformative changes in people's lives, fostering positivity and well-being.

“My own sense of purpose is always derived from my passion to help individuals to improve performance and nurture a passion for Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and general self-care. I encourage all my clients to bring these practices into every part of their lives and lead a more fulfilling and conscious life. My practice reflects the Sivananda Yoga tradition that I am committed to promoting and sharing.”

Rosemarie Ryan's career spans 30 years in senior roles across the globe. As a trusted transformative coach, she brings a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and skill acquired from her own life, work, and education journey. Her areas of expertise include Organisational and Individual Development, Career Engagement, and promoting Happiness and Wellness at work. She has inspired and energised countless client organisations and individuals globally, utilising contemporary and effective tools in her workshops. Her coaching approach is characterised by a deep sense of caring for her clients, gently guiding them towards their next level of growth.